Ayurveda described blood sugar balance over 5,000 years ago, even associating it with digestion and the kidneys, mirroring the modern understanding of glucose metabolism.
This guidance was the basis for formulating GlucoCare®. Among the herbs included are Bitter Melon and Turmeric, which support the pancreas and digestion to balance energy needs with sugar storage.
Happiness Through Wellness
Crafting traditional medicines based on Ayurveda, a 5,000 year old science that believes the journey back to wholeness begins with nurturing the capacity for joy.
Trusting the gifts of nature and the irreplaceable relationship between the plant and its native soil for consistent healing properties.
Contributing to the wellness of the earth by teaching our family of farmers to grow native plants sustainably on their land and reduce the demand on the local environment.
Building communities by advocating women in farming, protecting fair prices, providing maternal health, sponsoring clinical services and offering school wellness programs.
Believing that if wellness is the path to happiness, we must contribute to the wellness of all things. Wellness of people, wellness of the environment, wellness of our communities.
На основе растительной целлюлозы (капсула)
Предупреждение. Как и в случае с любой добавкой, проконсультируйтесь с врачом перед использованием, если вы беременны, кормите грудью, принимаете лекарства, страдаете заболеванием или планируете какую-либо медицинскую процедуру. При возникновении любых побочных реакций следует прекратить прием и обратиться к врачу. Хранить в недоступном для детей месте.
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