Black elderberry extract and vitamin C both promote a healthy immune response. So we’ve combined them! Just take two gluten-free, vegetarian capsules a day to support year-long immune health.
Standardized elderberry extract supports your immune system—and vitamin C’s value for immune response needs no introduction. So we’ve combined these two clinically-studied ingredients for immune health. Black Elderberry + Vitamin C is designed to be taken every day to give your defenses the nutritional support they need, all year long.
New science, ancient wisdom: elderberry’s reputation to promote immune response is supported by new clinical research.
Black Elderberry + Vitamin C Benefits
Black Elderberry + Vitamin C
Standardized black elderberry extract
Our black elderberry extract is standardized for special anthocyanin compounds. But what does that mean? Think of it as the difference between jelly and preserves. Both taste like the fruit they’re made from, but only preserves have real fruit inside—and ideally, you want the same amount of fruit in every serving. A standardized extract (in this case, for anthocyanins) will give you that, every time.
This formula combines standardized black elderberry extract, which has been shown in clinical and preclinical research to support immune health, with the tried-and-true immune support benefits of vitamin C. Unlike our 5-Day Elderberry Immune formula, Black Elderberry + Vitamin C is designed to be taken every day, all year long.
Standardized elderberry extract
Elderberry extract has a reputation for its ability to promote a healthy immune response—a reputation that research now seems to confirm. A meta-analysis of four separate studies indicates that supplementation with a standardized elderberry extract lessened duration and response to immune challenge—with results noticed in as little as two days in one study.
Each two-capsule serving of Black Elderberry + Vitamin C has 720 mg of elderberry extract (Sambucus nigra) standardized to anthocyanins to provide daily support for healthy immune response and respiratory health.
200 mg of vitamin C
Another meta-analysis of research into vitamin C revealed that taking vitamin C helped lessen duration and response to immune challenges. Vitamin C also provides potent antioxidant protection. Each two-capsule serving of Black Elderberry + Vitamin C delivers 200 mg of vitamin C.
Растительная целлюлоза (капсула), мальтодекстрин, микрокристаллическая целлюлоза, растительный стеарат, диоксид кремния.
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