Silly Enough for Kids - Serious Enough for Parents!
Not everyone wants fluoride in their children's toothpaste. That's why we offer a choice! Tom's of Maine Fluoride-Free Children's Toothpaste uses naturally sourced calcium and silica abrasives to gently clean teeth. Plus, it has a natural fruit flavor your kids will love to brush with again and again!
What makes a product natural and good? At Tom's, it includes how we make it.Uses: helps prevent plaque buildup with regular brushing.
Другие ИнгредиентыGlycerin, water, calcium carbonate, hydrated silica, benzyl alcohol, sodium lauryl sulfate, carrageenan, natural flavor, citrus limon (lemon) juice, mangifera indica (mango) juice, citrus aurantium dulcis (orange) juice, ananas sativus (pineapple) fruit juice, fragaria ananassa (strawberry) fruit juice.
Brush teeth thoroughly, preferably after each meal or at least twice a day, or as directed by a dentist or physician, Children under 2 years of age: ask a dentist or physician.
Twist off cap and remove foil seal.
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