Blendmaster's Notes
"Traditionally known for its digestive benefits, ginger is paired with lively spices like sweet cinnamon and earthy cardamom. We've also added probiotics to this soothing and warming blend to support healthy digestion."
-Charlie Baden,
Celestial Seasonings Blendmaster
The Story of Celestial Seasonings
Back in 1969, we started picking herbs from the fields and forests of the Rocky Mountains and in the process, we created America's very first herbal tea. Still blended in Boulder by our expert Blendmaster, our uniquely delicious teas are made with the finest ingredients, passion and inspiration.
"The perfect tranquility of life, which is nowhere to be found but in retreat, a faithful friend and a good library." - Hans Christian Andersen
Другие Ингредиенты
Ginger, cinnamon, licorice, cardamom, hawthorn, turmeric, bacillus coagulans GBI-30 6086, star anise and black pepper.
Hot tea by the cup*
Pour boiled water over one tea bag. Steep 4 to 6 minutes and remove tea bag. Sweeten if desired.
Iced tea by the glass*
Pour boiled water over two tea bags. Steep 4 to 6 minutes and remove tea bags. Pour into a tall glass filled with ice.
*Always pour boiled water into heat-resistant cup.
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